Sweet Chestnut identification in winter

Sweet Chestnut identification in winter

In winter one of the easiest trees to identify is the Sweet Chestnut.  You can’t id the tree from a distance by its shape but if you look closely at the bark, buds and shoots and then look for old leaves and old fruit underneath the tree,  you can be sure that it is a Sweet Chestnut. All these photos are taken from the Tree Guide UK app.


Sweet Chestnut bark

Mature trees have very distinctive bark. The ridges swirl round the trunk like this. 

Sweet Chestnut bud

The buds are very small and red/brown

Sweet Chestnut ridged shoot

The shoot is ridged.

Sweet Chestnut leaf in winter

Old leaves can often be often be found on the ground under the tree. They stay like this all winter.

Sweet Chestnut husk in winter

Sweet Chestnut husks look like this. The nut will have been eaten, probably by squirrels but husks like this are found all winter under the tree. They are very spiky to the touch.