Flowers and Fruit in August
Flowers and Fruit in August
In August garden flowers are abundant with many coming into flower in late July or early August. Few wildflowers come out in August but grasslands are full of Knapweeds, Wild Carrot, Teasel, Scabious, Harebells, Ragwort, Thistles and Hawkweeds. Fruit is ripening on some trees and shrubs. Here are photos of 7 garden flowers and 3 fruits seen in early August.

This is a variety of Rudbekia fulgida. Rudbeckia may be annuals, biennials or perennials. They are native to North America. The common name is Black-eyed Susan

Japanese Anemone ‘Queen Charlotte’ . This hybrid was developed from the species Anemone hupehensis, native to China.

A Michaelmas Daisy hybrid. This is similar to the European wildflower Aster amellus named after the Archangel Michael, whose feast day is September 29.

The Globe Thistle flower heads, like all thistles, are made up entirely of disc florets. Native to Eurasia, it was introduced to Britain in the 16th century as a garden plant.

A Hibiscus hybrid based on the species Hibiscus syriacus which is native to China.

A Gladiolus variety. Gladioli originate mainly in South Africa, which has approximately 250 of the 300 known species.

Phlox ‘Mount Fuji’ is a popular garden plant. The Phlox family of 25 genera and 250 species is found mainly in North America with one genus Polemonium found in Europe and two in Asia.

Black Mulberry. The fruit turns red and is sweet and juicy at the end of July. This type of fruit is known as a multiple fruit because it consists of a number of drupes fused together to make one big fruit.

Bramble fruit, shown here, is black when ripe. Raspberry fruit is red when ripe. Where the fruit connects to its stem is the receptacle. It is fleshy and comes away when the Blackberry is picked but does not come away when the Raspberry is picked.

The fruit of the Elder is used to make wine and has many medicinal uses, but the seeds and other plant parts are toxic.