Conifer Tree ID by Leaf and Needle Shape
This is a key for Conifer tree ID by leaf and needle shape. It lists over 40 species and divides them into 14 leaf and needle shapes with links to 3 other keys. For some shapes you can go to a deeper level of identification by clicking on a BUTTON, which is in the form of a name with a box round it e.g. PINES. Click on TREE NAMES in RED to get a full description of the tree. Use the Conifer Cone key to get more information. Click on any photo to enlarge it. To find out more about the difference between conifer and broadleaf leaves click HERE. To learn more about leaves and needles and how they grow click HERE to go to the page TREE PARTS.
Needles in clusters of 20–45
2 – Austrian Pine, Bishop Pine, Corsican Pine, Lodgepole Pine, Scots Pine, Stone Pine, 3 – Monterey Pine, 5 – Arolla Pine, Bhutan Pine, Weymouth Pine
Needles on Woody Pegs where they join the shoot
Sitka Spruce, Colorado Spruce, Norway Spruce, Oriental Spruce, Serbian Spruce
Needles on Pads where they join the shoot
Douglas Fir, European Silver Fir, Caucasian Fir, Grand Fir, Noble Fir, Spanish Fir
Scale-like leaves in Flat (2D) Sprays like a fern
Lawson Cypress, Nootka Cypress, Sawara Cypress, Hinoki Cypress, Western Red Cedar,
Scale-like leaves on short sprays that stick out in 3D effect.
Italian Cypress, Monterey Cypress, Smooth Arizona Cypress
Short scale-like leaves with outward pointing tip. Massive tree with spongy red bark.