More flowers are out in February than in January. Early flowering Daffodils may already be in bloom. The wild daffodil Narcissus pseudonarcissus  grows in woods and grasslands throughout England and Wales and also in Germany, Portugal and Spain. Plant breeders have produced thousands of cultivars which are grown commercially in Britain, Holland, North America and Australia/New Zealand. Over 25,000 cultivated varieties are listed by the Royal Horticultural Society.

Two dwarf Irises are in flower, the early flowering Iris reticulata ‘Harmony’ and the Algerian Iris, shown below,  which flowers from winter to spring. Also out at this time of year are the Early Crocus, the Wallflower  ‘Bowles Mauve’ and the Heather cultivar ‘Ghost Hills’. 

daffodil February
Algerian Iris February

Algerian Iris Iris unguicularis flowers from winter to spring. It is native to Greece and North Africa. 


Early Crocus Crocus tommasinian

Early Crocus Crocus tommasinianus flowers in February and March. It is native to Eastern Europe and is planted in many gardens and parks in Britain. .

Wallflower ‘Bowles’s Mauve’ February

Wallflower Bowles’s Mauve’ Erysimum linifoliumBowles’s Mauve’ is a sterile, short-lived shrubby perennial.  It is one of the most popular cultivars and flowers from February to July.

Heather ‘Ghost Hills’ February

 Heather ‘Ghost Hills’ Erica x darleyensisGhost Hills is  a cultivated variety based on the  Bell Heather Erica cinerea, which grows on  dry Heaths and Moors. It is a popular garden plant that flowers from February to April.