In July wild and garden flowers are abundant. These photos were all taken during July 2020 and include 5 garden flowers and 5 wild flowers.

Agapanthus ‘Headbourne Hybrids’ is a cultivar, raised in the 1940s in a garden at Headbourne Worthy in Hampshire. There are a large number of cultivars on sale. ‘Headbourne Hybrids’ came from South Africa in a mixed pack of seeds in the 1940s.

Achillea ‘Red Velvet’ is a cultivar from Holland. Yarrow Achillea millefollium is a wild flower native to Britain.Many cultivars of Achillea have been developed for use as garden perennials. A. millefolium (e.g.Red Velvet) flowers are red, pink and white.

Argentinian Vervain Verbena bonariensis is a tall hardy border perennial, native to South America. Bonariensis refers to Buenos Aires. Bees and butterflies are attracted to the flowers which secrete nectar at the base of the ovary. First grown in Britain in 1726

Alstroemeria ‘Saturne’ is a fully hardy hybrid from Peru. The hybrids were created from Peruvian (winter growing) and Brazilian (summer growing) plants. Flowers produce nectar to attract the main pollinators which are bumble bees

Common Centaury Centaurium erythraea is a member of the Gentian family. It is a wildflower found in grassy places in England such as The Chilterns.

The Common Toadflax Linaria vulgaris is a wild flower native to Britain commonly found in fields, hedge banks and waste places

Common Ragwort Senecio jacobaea is a common grassland wild flower toxic to horses.

Clustered Bellflower Campanula glomerata is a native wild flower found in chalk grasslands in Britain and temperate Eurasia.

Dark Mullein Verbascum nigrum is a native wild flower found growing on chalky soil. It is common in Southern England and also found across Europe to Siberia.

Bear’s Breeches Acanthus mollis is an introduced species that grows wild in Cornwall but is planted in many gardens.