Golden Rain Tree identification
The Golden Rain Tree Koelreuteria paniculata, also known as the Pride of India is native to China, Korea and Japan and was introduced to Britain in 1763. This tree is one of 3 species in the genus Koelreuteria which is named after a German botanist.
Golden Rain Tree identification – large pinnate leaves, small yellow flowers in summer, long, lantern-shaped fruit pods that hang on the tree all winter. It is not common but is found in some collections and can easily be recognised by its distinctive fruit.
The pinnate leaves are very long, up to 45cm. They have 11 to 13 lobed leaflets. The leaf shape is unique to the Golden Rain Tree.
The small yellow flowers are arranged on large, branched stalks called panicles. They cover the tree in mid-summer. Photo taken in late July.
The fruit is in the form of pink bladders, that look like small lanterns. Photo taken in mid September.