Honeysuckle Family – Caprifoliaceae 

The Honeysuckle family of 42 genera and over 800 species includes the genera Lonicera (honeysuckle), Leycesteria (Himalayan honeysuckle), Scabiosa (Scabious), Dipsacus (Teasel),and Centranthus (Valerian). The family name is based on the Latin Caprifolium which means Goat’s Leaf, possibly because honeysuckles were the food of goats. The genus name for Honeysuckle is Lonicera which relates to a German Renaissance botanist Adam Lonicer. Basic Flower Parts – 4 or 5  Sepals, 4 or 5  Petals, 1 , 2 , 4 or 5 Stamens, 1 style

Honeysuckle  Lonicera pericylmenum is a climbing shrub. It is the native honeysuckle found in woods and hedges throughout Britain. It is also found in Europe and Morocco. It flowers from June to September and is often grown in gardens. 

Each flower has a long thin crimson corolla tube expanding out into 2 lips, the upper 4-lobed and the lower one complete. The 5 stamens and 3-lobed style stick out beyond the lips.

The Honeysuckle fruit is a berry

​There are 180 species in the Lonicera genus. Many cultivars have been produced and are sold as garden climbers. Here is the Honeysuckle ‘Dropmore Scarlet’ 

Field Scabious is a wild flower native to Britain and found in dry grassy places. It flowers from June to October and is visited by bees and butterflies.

A number of garden varieties are available, some based on the species shown here which is Scabiosa atropurpurea Sweet Scabious, a species native to Southern Europe.

Teasel Dipsacus fullonum is a wild flower native to Britain found in  woods, bare ground and dry grassy places. It flowers in July and August. This is the flower head after the seeds have fallen out. Dipsacus is a genus of 15 species, one of which D. sativus is cultivated as Fuller’s Teasel and used for carding fabrics.

Centranthus is a genus of about 12 species, native to Southern Europe. Red Valerian Centranthus ruber is a popular garden plant with a dense head of red flowers.