The Manchurian Cherry is native to north-east China, Siberia and Korea. It was introduced to Britain in 1910. It was ‘discovered’ by Richard Maack and registered in 1857. It has white flowers that resemble those of the Bird Cherry. It is valued for its beautiful bark, honey-brown when young and red-brown when older. It was rare but can now be found in urban areas and can be confused with other white flowered cherries in spring.
Tree in blossom in mid-April.
Flowers are not yet open at the tip of this spike but fully open at the base.
The flowers emerge with the leaves in mid April. The white flowers are on 7 cm long spikes similar to the Bird Cherry but unlike other Cherries.
The bark is honey-brown and glossy and has horizontal lenticel bands. The tree is prized for its beautiful bark.