More Ash tree species identification

Here are three less common Ash species or cultivars.  More ash tree species identification – Claret Ash, Golden Ash and Manna Ash – pinnate leaf shape and colour, flowers and fruit.  For information on the Common Ash Click HERE

Claret Ash tree

The Claret Ash Fraxinus angustifolia var.oxycarpa ‘Raywood’, also know as the Raywood Ash, is a cultivated variety that was discovered as a seedling in South Australia in 1910 at a property called Raywood and introduced to Britain in the mid 1920s.  Its leaves turn purple in autumn. It is a male clone and so does not bear fruit. It is now very common in parks and on streets and can be spectacular in autumn.

Golden Ash trees

The Golden Ash Fraxinus excelsior ‘Jaspidea’ is a medium sized deciduous tree with yellow shoots and golden foliage in autumn. It is a cultivar of the Common Ash and was introduced to Britain in the late 1870s. It was rare but is now found increasingly in parks and on streets where its spectacular autumn colour stands out.

Manna Ash tree

The Manna Ash Fraxinus ornus, also known as the Flowering Ash, is native to southern Europe and south-west Asia. It was introduced to Britain before 1700. It has the most limited distribution of the 3 European species – the other 2 being the Common Ash and the Narrow-leaved Ash. It is frequently planted in parks and gardens as an ornamental tree. It has distinctive white flowers in spring, hence its name Flowering Ash. 

Claret Ash leaves in summer

Claret Ash leaves have 7 to 13 toothed leaflets. The leaflets are narrower than those of the Common Ash.

Golden Ash leaf

The Golden Ash leaf is pinnate and similar to the Common Ash, but has a white midrib and stalk. It has from 9 to 13 toothed leaflets.

Manna Ash leaf

The Manna Ash leaves are pinnate, like all ashes. Each leaf has from 5 to 9 leaflets. The leaflets have wavy edges and fine teeth.

Claret Ash leaves in autumn

Claret Ash leaves in October

Golden Ash samaras

The Golden Ash fruit are known as ‘keys’ (technically they are samaras) and are similar to those of the Common Ash but are yellow, not green. Photo taken in August.

Manna Ash  flower

Manna Ash flowers fully out in June. The anthers are now brown, having shed pollen. The flowers are scented and attract insects such as bees. They may also be wind-pollinated.

Claret Ash buds are small and brown

Golden Ash buds are black and the shoot golden.

Manna Ash terminal and lateral buds are covered in light grey hairs.