More Lime trees identification
Here are three lime trees that differ in the shape and colour of their leaves and their flowering times. Two have silver-coloured leaves – the Silver Lime and the Silver Pendent Lime – and the third, the Crimean Lime, has dark green leaves.
More lime trees identification – Silver, Silver Pendent and Crimean – tree shape, leaf shape and colour and flowers in early summer.
Click HERE for information on the three most common Limes – Common, Broad-leaved and Small-leaved Limes. Click HERE for more information on 3 rare Lime trees. Click on any photo to enlarge it.
The Silver Lime, Tilia tomentosa, native to south-east Europe and Turkey, was introduced to Britain in 1767. It is now grown as an ornamental tree in many parks and large gardens. The underside of the leaves are covered in white hairs, giving a silvery appearance.
Silver Pendent Lime Tilia petiolaris is also known as the Weeping Silver Lime. Its origin is unknown but it was first planted in Britain in the 1840s. It is frequently planted in large gardens and parks. It is a very impressive looking tree.
The Crimean Lime Tilia x euchlora , also called the Caucasian Lime, is native to the Crimea and was introduced about 1860. It is a hybrid between the Small-leaved Lime and another Caucasian Lime. It is frequently planted in parks and particularly streets as a replacement for the Common Lime, because the glossy leaves are aphid free.
The underside of the Silver Lime leaf is covered in fine hairs and looks pale grey. The upper surface of the leaf is dark green. The leaf has a much shorter stalk than the Silver Pendent Lime
The underside of the Silver Pendent Lime leaf is covered in white hairs giving it a silvery appearance.The upper side of the leaf is green. The leaf hangs by a very long stalk, much longer than that of the Silver Lime
Open flowers in late July. The Silver Lime flowers later than other limes and has 5 to 10 flowers in each flower cluster.
There are 7 to 10 flowers on each ‘bract’ of the Silver Pendent Lime. Photo taken towards the end of June.