Late Autumn Tree Colours
Late Autumn Tree Colours - These photos were all taken on November 17th 2021. This year winds have...
Wildflowers in July
These wild flowers were photographed in early July at the northern end of The Chilterns on a...
Orchids in June
Two Orchids in flower in June :- The Greater Butterfly Orchid Platanthera chlorantha is found...
Hazel catkins
Hazel Catkins The Common Hazel is a wind pollinated, monoecious tree. A perfect flower, like...
Autumn Leaf Colours
Autumn Leaf Colours Autumn leaf colours can be used to identify trees in Britain - some trees have...
Flowers and Fruit in August
Flowers and Fruit in August In August garden flowers are abundant with many coming into flower in...
Flowers in July
In July wild and garden flowers are abundant. These photos were all taken during July 2020 and...
Crocosmia, also known as Montbretia, are widely cultivated as perennial garden plants. There are...
Bee Orchid
The Bee Orchid Ophrys apifera flowers in June and July. It is often difficult to find but...
Umbellifers in June
Here are four plants that are in flower now - two garden plants and two wildflowers. They are...
Dog Rose and Field Rose
Two similar-looking native wild roses come into flower in June - the Dog Rose Rosa canina and the...
Flowers in June
In June most trees have finished flowering but wild and garden flowers are abundant. These photos...