Strawberry Tree identification
The Strawberry tree Arbutus unedo is an evergreen bush or small tree native to the Mediterranean region and south-western Ireland. It was first introduced to England from Ireland in the 16th century. It is now quite common in parks and gardens in warmer areas. The Hybrid Strawberry Tree is found in some gardens. This is a natural cross between the Strawberry Tree and the Cyprus Strawberry Tree.
Strawberry Tree identification – evergreen, toothed leaves, bell-like flowers and strawberry-like fruit in autumn, red-brown bark.The Strawberry Tree bears attractive red berries in late autumn but they are unpalatable (hence the scientific species name ‘unedo’ which means ‘I eat one-only’ ). However this observation may just mean that they do not taste as good as the hugely popular garden strawberry. In the Mediterranean region the fruit is used to make jam, marmalades, yogurt and brandy. Click on any photo to enlarge it.