Tree ID by closely-related trees.
If you don’t know the name of the tree but think it is similar to another you have seen use this key ‘Closely-related trees’ which has links to Limes, Oaks, Pines, Alders, Firs, Spruces, True Cedars, Elms, Maples, Willows, Poplars and Birches. Limes, for example, are all in the same genus (Tilia) and hence are closely-related and look very similar.
Tree ID by closely-related trees
Click on the name of the group to which you think the tree belongs. This will take to you to a page with one or more examples of the trees in that group e.g three limes, with links to seven others or four poplars with photos that show what to look for in that group.
Not all species in a genus look the same. For example most willows are narrow-leaved but some (e.g Goat Willow) have fat leaves. Apart from that all willows have flowers that are catkins. Once you learn the characteristics of a genus it comes easier to identify a particular species in that genus.
Trees are given a Common Name and a Scientific Name – also called a Botanical Name. The Scientific Name is binomial i.e. it has 2 parts and is in Latin. The first part of the name is a “general” name and indicates the genus that the tree belongs to. All oaks, for example, are in the same genus called Quercus. This is based on the fact that all oaks are believed to have evolved from a common ancestor. The second part of the name (e.g. petraea) is a “specific” name and defines the particular species within the genus, in this case the Sessile Oak.